Your grandmother knew they were in good taste. Michelle Obama knows it too. Ladies bring back the brooch. Where have you hidden them? You know, those gaudy pins you inherited from your mom that you swore you would never wear. They are HOT right now so you may want to eat your words. The brooch is no longer an elders only accessory. Pile them on your lapel. Pin one to a fabric headband or tie a ribbon around your waste and pin a brooch on the bow for a sassy belt. You can also add one to your hand bag. For a fun DIY project pin several coordinating brooches to a fat chain for a chunky one of a kind necklace.
Storage ideas. I store mine on a fabric board. This way I get to enjoy my collection everyday even when I am not wearing them. If you prefer to store them out of sight you can buy ice trays and place each brooch in a separate compartment. This will keep them from clanging into each other and becoming damaged.