We are half way through season seven of project runway. it is at the point where everyone left is talented. If I were the judge I would also take into account attitudes and personalities.

We are half way through season seven of project runway. it is at the point where everyone left is talented. If I were the judge I would also take into account attitudes and personalities. MK is still cracking us up with his one line "it looks like..." comments. And Heidi is still pregnant and fabulous. So here is my vote for the overall winner of the Bryant park showdown. Who do you vote for?

The Best designer Seth Aaron- why? because he stays true to his own sense of style, his designs are unique. Each garment is a new fresh take. He has skills and his workmanship is apparent. I think he is the only designer that has successfully made a variety of pieces from dresses, jackets, trousers, skirts and accessories. He is not limited by skill or vision. There is a world market for his iconic looks.

Worst designer Ping- she was just weird... IDK how she even made it on the air let alone past episode 1

Jay second runner up for greatest attitude- he's such a cute boy and I love how he dresses

Best personality and greatest attitude ANTHONY- even when he was eliminated he encouraged others and said to his model "You don't have to have the crown to be the queen." he's always laughing and singing and he is proud of his accomplishments.

Worst attitude- Mila she's always talking about someone behind their back and all she can do is Black and white ooooh big risks there girl friend.