Current handbag trends reflect bold color, hardware, texture and a nod to utilitarian fashion concept of style. A bags purpose is utilitarian that is, the bag must be useful for hauling stuff. Hail the satchel a sturdy bag for everyday use. Most satchels have both a cross body strap and short handles.

(Left) Apple Green Goldenbleu shoulder bag, (Right) Blueberry Coach Poppy Satchel.
Here are two of my favorite bags in my personal collection. Not only are they beautiful, but they are sturdy, I can carry them hands free and I love the convenience of the outside pockets. The items I need to reach easily (cell phone, Car keys, lipstick and mirror) are at my finger tips so i don't have to waste time looking for the things I use most often. Its so great because I never loose my car keys in the bottom of a dark bag or have to dump out the entire contents of bag to find a pen. I get lots of compliments on my green bag because of the bright color, but what most people notice is that the bag has a mini clutch on the outside which they always seem to have been wishing for in a bag.
This spring I have noticed that many designers are making bags with the organizational pockets on the outside of the bag. I think thats really sweet. Each of these bags below come in a variety of colors and are currently available at Nordstrom.com

Coach $358

Coach $898

Chloe, $555

Chloe, $555

Ted Baker $195

Kate Spade, $325

Michael Kors, $448