My friends over at GlamBeckhams and ZigaZig-ha! are putting together the annual fan birthday gift for Victoria and they would love all of you out there to join in as well! Here are the rules:

Hi, Spice fans!
Victoria Beckham's birthday is on April 17th and ZigaZig-Ha joins GlamBeckhams to invite you all to participate in the fans video-present for her.
To participate:
* Only 1 PICTURE PER FAN (NOT videos)
* Write only 3 lines
* Write big and clear your name and country
* BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN! surprise her!
* Last day to e-mail the picture: April 7th, 2011.
* Questions and picture, send to:
* Only 1 PICTURE PER FAN (NOT videos)
* Write only 3 lines
* Write big and clear your name and country
* BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN! surprise her!
* Last day to e-mail the picture: April 7th, 2011.
* Questions and picture, send to: