No offical word that I have heard but the Trick R Treat Facebook posted a no so cryptic message " Sam will return." Trick R Treat was a smash with horror fans when it was finally released. There are oh so few good Halloween themed movies, and even fewer good anthologies of late that fans are eagerly waiting for the return of our favorite pumpkin faced horror icon. So if anyone in Hollywood is reading this "listens for crickets", BRING US TRICK R TREAT 2. It's only April Fools day on the East Coast so no fair if its a trick (R Treat)
Fingers crossed!
Gacy House
So what happens when you cross The Blair With with Paranormal Activity? You get Gacy House. Well what you really get is a feeling you wasted the price of a rental. I rekaize it's a low budget but, even for low budget it's hard to forgive Gacy House. It commits that cardinal sin for a horror movie. It's boring. Boring is not good for horror. Thowing in elements of so many different films doesn't alleviate the hum drum. Gacy house borrows liberally from Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, The Legend of Hell House, Ghost Hunters, Poltergeist and who cares how many others. The "logic" is all over the place. I can possibly accept that the ghsot of John Wayne Gacy, is haunting his house, maybe even that he haunts a house built on the same spot where his house used to be. Still I think asking the ghost if he killed in a specific room., that didn't even exist when he was around is kind of stupid. Ok gacy House was kind of stupid, and very boring
Horror Hunk: Alexander Skarsgard
As a thank you to those female and gay friends who actually follow my blog and read the articles, I am starting a new feature. The Horror Hunks. What better way to start but with a true hunk, and one I know my friends like, Mr. Alexander Skarsgard. Here's just a small collection, I will try to dig up more later
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Alexander Skarsgard |
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Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman |
Party with Alexander Skarsgard |
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Sexy Soapy Alexander Skarsgard |
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Alexander Skarsgard in the shower |
A Serbian Film (Srpski film)
A Serbian Film (Srpski film)
Where do I begin with A Serbian Film. Usually I have a review pretty well mapped out in my head before hand, but with A Serbian Film, I’m pretty much winging it. I like to say if you haven’t heard of A Serbian Film, then you haven’t been listening. It is hands down the most controversial film in recent memory. It is also rapidly becoming one of the most notorious films of all time. All over the internet “which is worse” comparisons are cropping up with other notorious films,
A Serbian Film is a hot button film, bound to stir debate and tempers. Just taking a side on the controversy surrounding it is bound to garner hate mail. Actually saying you like it will get you labeled a deviant and garner you strange looks. I have been leery to even tell friends what it is about for fear of strange looks because I even know about a film like A Serbian Film.
I have wanted to see A Serbian Film since I first saw the trailer. At the same time I have feared seeing it and even hated that part of me that wanted to see it. All my instincts told me A Serbian Film is a dangerous film. Still I felt remiss as a movie fan and reviewer to not watch it. I also felt like a coward. So last night I bit the bullet, found a safe place inside my brain to retreat to if need be, and watched A Serbian Film.
Usually I don’t like giving spoilers. However in the case of this film I think not giving at least some spoilers is very negligent. It also makes it near impossible to give an honest review. Even though I will always wonder exactly the effect this film would have had on me if I had gone in blind, there are people who deserve a warning. The subject matter is that extreme. A Serbian Film contains, but is not necessarily limited to, rape, murder, gratuitous nudity, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, torture, infanticide, and suicide. Almost all of the violence is sexually related. This is no Hostel, it is much more brutal. However it is not just torture porn.
Much of the discussion of A Serbian Film resolves around whether it has the right to exist as film. There is so much controversy over the legality that you get a debate about whether or not it is a good film. Honestly right now I don’t feel comfortable saying I like A Serbian Film. However it is a film with a story. It is not shock exclusively for shock value. I have heard many arguments about the meaning of A Serbian Film. Social comment on the genocide during the break up of Yugoslavia, slap in the face to Serbian film censors. At one point the “director” of the film inside A Serbian Film states that pornography is the only hope of the Serbian people. This was the clearest message I got from A Serbian Film. That the Serbians are a people who have been brainwashed and turned in to savages. All the while being taught that their neighbors are less than human and fit for slaughter.
The protagonist Milos only has one escape from his struggle though pornography. To debase and abuse those who are less than him. Vukmir, the director, tells him the women are drug abusers and whores. Are these echoes of what the Serbian people were told? The most infamous scene seems to be stating that everyone is born a victim. The final scene suggests that we cannot escape, even in death. This was at least what I took from the film. Maybe if I was more familiar with the war and genocide I would have gained more from the film. I would love to know what the reaction of the Serbian people would be to the film. All I can go with is what I saw and the few comments I have read from the director. This is, in my opinion the main failing of A Serbian Film.
I am accustomed to looking deep into a film for meaning. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail. In A Serbian Film, the director takes it and throws it right in the viewers face. Forcing us to take in all the ugly, all the hate and all the desperation, not allowing us to look away. However in doing so he blinds us, all we can see is the brutality. All we see are the images that are burned into our minds. Even with forewarning it was hard to watch the scenes. Not just the most infamous scene, or the other scene which was also horrible, but the whole movie. So many disturbing scenes don’t get mentioned due to the extreme notoriety of THAT scene.
For those who don’t know here is a quick synopsis. Milos is a retired porn star who is struggling to support his family. He is approached to star in a artistic pornographic film that will enable his family to live comfortably. There is no script but the camera will follow him as he has sex in various situations. Situations that grow more violent and deviant with each act. It spirals quickly out of control as Milos realizes he is helpless to escape. Actually before Milos realizes it is out of control, it is already strategically too late for him and his family. When he tries to escape he is drugged. He wakes up bloody with only faint and confusing flashes of what has happened. Retracing his steps, and discovering footage of the missing day, we discover with him just how tragic
I wont spoil the ending for those brave enough to watch it. However for those who still might be on the fence, I am about to release spoilers. Spoilers that are readily found in most discussions of the film. First off, if you have not heard Angel Sala the director of the Stiges film festival in Spain has been arrested for showing A Serbian Film. Under Spanish law, and under s strict interpretation of American law, A Serbian Film could be illegal. The laws in question could define A Serbian Film as child pornography. There is no actual sex involving children but the law provides for simulated sex with minors or persons portrayed as minors. While A Serbian Film does contain simulated sex with person, (or objects, more later) portrayed as children, it should be noted that many other mainstream films contained implied or simulated sex with minors. Movies such as Animal House, Hound Dog, Friday the 13th, Old School, Lolita, Pretty Baby and many others. Why single out A Serbian Film? Most likely due to that one scene being so notorious. That coupled with a prosecutor wanting to make name for himself.
So about the scene, here without further ado are the spoilers. The most notorious scene is a scene where a male has sex with a newborn baby. It seems really stupid to say the scene is not gratuitous but considering the possibilities, it could have been worse. No real baby is in the scene but a mechanical crying doll, and the “rape” is filmed from behind the man as the child screams. Still it is hard to watch, hard to stomach, and hard to cope with. That is the scene with the most press, there is another scene that was just as hard if not harder to watch which involves the anal rape of a five year old. Even though the child is not seen during the scene, the utter realism of it was disturbing beyond my ability to put in words. If these were the only two scenes A Serbian Film would still deserve to be the most talked about film today, but there are more. Scenes of children watching sex scenes, people forced to have sex while watching videos of children eating ice cream, and a character having sex while watching his nephews birthday party on video, presumably “getting off’ on the video.
I can honestly see people having a problem with this film. I have problems with A Serbian Film. It left me feeling physically ill and I doubt I will ever watch it again. It is far and away the most disgusting and disturbing film I have ever seen, and I hope it keeps that record. Still it is far from pornography. There are many more films tat are just excuses for gore, sex and shock that I would label as closer to pornography. A Serbian Film has a message, even if the director failed to deliver it clearly. Did I like it, damn that’s not something I can say right now. It did draw me in, it did make me feel for the characters. I had a hard time liking Milos, but had a hard time hating him too. Maybe that was the real message, that sometimes, despite our best intentions, life just fucks us over. If you decide to watch A Serbian Film, then don’t blame me.
Free Angel Sala!
Where do I begin with A Serbian Film. Usually I have a review pretty well mapped out in my head before hand, but with A Serbian Film, I’m pretty much winging it. I like to say if you haven’t heard of A Serbian Film, then you haven’t been listening. It is hands down the most controversial film in recent memory. It is also rapidly becoming one of the most notorious films of all time. All over the internet “which is worse” comparisons are cropping up with other notorious films,
A Serbian Film is a hot button film, bound to stir debate and tempers. Just taking a side on the controversy surrounding it is bound to garner hate mail. Actually saying you like it will get you labeled a deviant and garner you strange looks. I have been leery to even tell friends what it is about for fear of strange looks because I even know about a film like A Serbian Film.
I have wanted to see A Serbian Film since I first saw the trailer. At the same time I have feared seeing it and even hated that part of me that wanted to see it. All my instincts told me A Serbian Film is a dangerous film. Still I felt remiss as a movie fan and reviewer to not watch it. I also felt like a coward. So last night I bit the bullet, found a safe place inside my brain to retreat to if need be, and watched A Serbian Film.
Usually I don’t like giving spoilers. However in the case of this film I think not giving at least some spoilers is very negligent. It also makes it near impossible to give an honest review. Even though I will always wonder exactly the effect this film would have had on me if I had gone in blind, there are people who deserve a warning. The subject matter is that extreme. A Serbian Film contains, but is not necessarily limited to, rape, murder, gratuitous nudity, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, torture, infanticide, and suicide. Almost all of the violence is sexually related. This is no Hostel, it is much more brutal. However it is not just torture porn.
Much of the discussion of A Serbian Film resolves around whether it has the right to exist as film. There is so much controversy over the legality that you get a debate about whether or not it is a good film. Honestly right now I don’t feel comfortable saying I like A Serbian Film. However it is a film with a story. It is not shock exclusively for shock value. I have heard many arguments about the meaning of A Serbian Film. Social comment on the genocide during the break up of Yugoslavia, slap in the face to Serbian film censors. At one point the “director” of the film inside A Serbian Film states that pornography is the only hope of the Serbian people. This was the clearest message I got from A Serbian Film. That the Serbians are a people who have been brainwashed and turned in to savages. All the while being taught that their neighbors are less than human and fit for slaughter.
The protagonist Milos only has one escape from his struggle though pornography. To debase and abuse those who are less than him. Vukmir, the director, tells him the women are drug abusers and whores. Are these echoes of what the Serbian people were told? The most infamous scene seems to be stating that everyone is born a victim. The final scene suggests that we cannot escape, even in death. This was at least what I took from the film. Maybe if I was more familiar with the war and genocide I would have gained more from the film. I would love to know what the reaction of the Serbian people would be to the film. All I can go with is what I saw and the few comments I have read from the director. This is, in my opinion the main failing of A Serbian Film.
I am accustomed to looking deep into a film for meaning. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail. In A Serbian Film, the director takes it and throws it right in the viewers face. Forcing us to take in all the ugly, all the hate and all the desperation, not allowing us to look away. However in doing so he blinds us, all we can see is the brutality. All we see are the images that are burned into our minds. Even with forewarning it was hard to watch the scenes. Not just the most infamous scene, or the other scene which was also horrible, but the whole movie. So many disturbing scenes don’t get mentioned due to the extreme notoriety of THAT scene.
For those who don’t know here is a quick synopsis. Milos is a retired porn star who is struggling to support his family. He is approached to star in a artistic pornographic film that will enable his family to live comfortably. There is no script but the camera will follow him as he has sex in various situations. Situations that grow more violent and deviant with each act. It spirals quickly out of control as Milos realizes he is helpless to escape. Actually before Milos realizes it is out of control, it is already strategically too late for him and his family. When he tries to escape he is drugged. He wakes up bloody with only faint and confusing flashes of what has happened. Retracing his steps, and discovering footage of the missing day, we discover with him just how tragic
I wont spoil the ending for those brave enough to watch it. However for those who still might be on the fence, I am about to release spoilers. Spoilers that are readily found in most discussions of the film. First off, if you have not heard Angel Sala the director of the Stiges film festival in Spain has been arrested for showing A Serbian Film. Under Spanish law, and under s strict interpretation of American law, A Serbian Film could be illegal. The laws in question could define A Serbian Film as child pornography. There is no actual sex involving children but the law provides for simulated sex with minors or persons portrayed as minors. While A Serbian Film does contain simulated sex with person, (or objects, more later) portrayed as children, it should be noted that many other mainstream films contained implied or simulated sex with minors. Movies such as Animal House, Hound Dog, Friday the 13th, Old School, Lolita, Pretty Baby and many others. Why single out A Serbian Film? Most likely due to that one scene being so notorious. That coupled with a prosecutor wanting to make name for himself.
So about the scene, here without further ado are the spoilers. The most notorious scene is a scene where a male has sex with a newborn baby. It seems really stupid to say the scene is not gratuitous but considering the possibilities, it could have been worse. No real baby is in the scene but a mechanical crying doll, and the “rape” is filmed from behind the man as the child screams. Still it is hard to watch, hard to stomach, and hard to cope with. That is the scene with the most press, there is another scene that was just as hard if not harder to watch which involves the anal rape of a five year old. Even though the child is not seen during the scene, the utter realism of it was disturbing beyond my ability to put in words. If these were the only two scenes A Serbian Film would still deserve to be the most talked about film today, but there are more. Scenes of children watching sex scenes, people forced to have sex while watching videos of children eating ice cream, and a character having sex while watching his nephews birthday party on video, presumably “getting off’ on the video.
I can honestly see people having a problem with this film. I have problems with A Serbian Film. It left me feeling physically ill and I doubt I will ever watch it again. It is far and away the most disgusting and disturbing film I have ever seen, and I hope it keeps that record. Still it is far from pornography. There are many more films tat are just excuses for gore, sex and shock that I would label as closer to pornography. A Serbian Film has a message, even if the director failed to deliver it clearly. Did I like it, damn that’s not something I can say right now. It did draw me in, it did make me feel for the characters. I had a hard time liking Milos, but had a hard time hating him too. Maybe that was the real message, that sometimes, despite our best intentions, life just fucks us over. If you decide to watch A Serbian Film, then don’t blame me.
Free Angel Sala!
Taking a Week Long Hiatus
Hi everyone,
I hate to start the weekend off with bad news, but unfortunately that's what I have to do. Many of you regular readers know that my grandfather has been battling a mysterious illness for the past few months. He's gone through so much, including brain surgery, just to find out what it was. Well, after months of guessing, the doctors confirmed early this week that he had an extremely rare disease called CJD (for short). It's an incurable illness that attacks your brain and only one in every million people suffer from it - which leads to 200 cases in the US each year.
I've spent the past few days and nights at the hospital with my entire family and I'm sad to say that this morning around 2am we lost him. He was an unbelievable man who I miss terribly already. Last night was extremely tough for all of us, but especially him. He could no longer talk and had a tough time breathing. But thankfully we were all by his side when he left us ( I was actually holding his hand).
I just want to thank all of you for your prayers, well wishes, and words of encouragenent. It's meant a lot to me in this difficult time.
The blog will be on hiatus until next weekend.
Sleep well Pop-pop... And don't worry, I'll always blow you kisses!
I hate to start the weekend off with bad news, but unfortunately that's what I have to do. Many of you regular readers know that my grandfather has been battling a mysterious illness for the past few months. He's gone through so much, including brain surgery, just to find out what it was. Well, after months of guessing, the doctors confirmed early this week that he had an extremely rare disease called CJD (for short). It's an incurable illness that attacks your brain and only one in every million people suffer from it - which leads to 200 cases in the US each year.
I've spent the past few days and nights at the hospital with my entire family and I'm sad to say that this morning around 2am we lost him. He was an unbelievable man who I miss terribly already. Last night was extremely tough for all of us, but especially him. He could no longer talk and had a tough time breathing. But thankfully we were all by his side when he left us ( I was actually holding his hand).
I just want to thank all of you for your prayers, well wishes, and words of encouragenent. It's meant a lot to me in this difficult time.
The blog will be on hiatus until next weekend.
Sleep well Pop-pop... And don't worry, I'll always blow you kisses!
Taking a Week Long Hiatus
Hi everyone,
I hate to start the weekend off with bad news, but unfortunately that's what I have to do. Many of you regular readers know that my grandfather has been battling a mysterious illness for the past few months. He's gone through so much, including brain surgery, just to find out what it was. Well, after months of guessing, the doctors confirmed early this week that he had an extremely rare disease called CJD (for short). It's an incurable illness that attacks your brain and only one in every million people suffer from it - which leads to 200 cases in the US each year.
I've spent the past few days and nights at the hospital with my entire family and I'm sad to say that this morning around 2am we lost him. He was an unbelievable man who I miss terribly already. Last night was extremely tough for all of us, but especially him. He could no longer talk and had a tough time breathing. But thankfully we were all by his side when he left us ( I was actually holding his hand).
I just want to thank all of you for your prayers, well wishes, and words of encouragenent. It's meant a lot to me in this difficult time.
The blog will be on hiatus until next weekend.
Sleep well Pop-pop... And don't worry, I'll always blow you kisses!
I hate to start the weekend off with bad news, but unfortunately that's what I have to do. Many of you regular readers know that my grandfather has been battling a mysterious illness for the past few months. He's gone through so much, including brain surgery, just to find out what it was. Well, after months of guessing, the doctors confirmed early this week that he had an extremely rare disease called CJD (for short). It's an incurable illness that attacks your brain and only one in every million people suffer from it - which leads to 200 cases in the US each year.
I've spent the past few days and nights at the hospital with my entire family and I'm sad to say that this morning around 2am we lost him. He was an unbelievable man who I miss terribly already. Last night was extremely tough for all of us, but especially him. He could no longer talk and had a tough time breathing. But thankfully we were all by his side when he left us ( I was actually holding his hand).
I just want to thank all of you for your prayers, well wishes, and words of encouragenent. It's meant a lot to me in this difficult time.
The blog will be on hiatus until next weekend.
Sleep well Pop-pop... And don't worry, I'll always blow you kisses!
A Serbian Film
I just finished this, hopefully a review to come later tonight. kind of ill at the moment.
The review is here
The review is here
Creative horror films
Here is an exceprt and link to a list of great films, check it out
This site is for fans of creative, original, smart and well executed horror movies. As an avid horror movie fan, i've done my best to sort through and list some of the BEST gems i have come across over the years. This list includes lesser known, foreign, indie, and big production titles that i feel are all worth your time. I'll be updating this list whenever i find films that i think are noteworthy.
read the list here
This site is for fans of creative, original, smart and well executed horror movies. As an avid horror movie fan, i've done my best to sort through and list some of the BEST gems i have come across over the years. This list includes lesser known, foreign, indie, and big production titles that i feel are all worth your time. I'll be updating this list whenever i find films that i think are noteworthy.
read the list here
Into the maw of cinema madness
So right now I am feeling in a pretty good place. I'm even kind of updating my blog, picking around on my script and thinking about other projects. Besides that I just feel pretty good. So in that feeling good, I get around to what to write about next. Lots of unwritten reviews are bouncing around in my head, should I try and put them to form in the physical world? Most have been out a while so have no sense of urgency. Should I watch something new or just expound on whatever bugs me? Well right now nothing much bugs me. Excpet I have become somewhat of a cinematic chicken.
I admit I have to be in a certian frame of mind to watch really disturbing films. Still I have been shirking and that's kind of a disservice to those who actually might look to me for film advice. I won't claim to be a real movie reviewer, I just report what I like, and why I like it. Sometimes I lack the words to express why I like a film, sometimes I can't even conceptualize it in my head. Am I rambling yet? More likely dodging the issue.
So I have been avoiding watching a couple films. One the most notorious fim in recent times. the other just some disturbing (in different ways) films. Well I haven't felt like dipping into cinema insanity in a while. Now, like I said I feel pretty good. So I'm going to do it.
My first intent was to watch them this weekend, but it may take me a while to find some of them. But I am going to start looking for them. Then I will watch them. Three films on my list to start, although if others come into my possession I will watch them. I will add to the list as I find or remember ones. These are three films that promise nightmares. Not "boo" jump out nightmares of nightmares of insanity, perversion and real mental torture. The three films, not necessarily in the order I will watch or even seek them out are:
What is it? by Crispin Glover, The Room by Tommy Wiseau, and the third, the most controversial film in the world right now. I have seen bits of The Room, and some clips from What Is It? Both have received critical assassianation and possibly deservedly so. What little I have seen of The Room was absolutely horrible. It may be the hardest one to watch.
What is it? is the controversial film by actor/director/writer Crispin Glover. Glover cast his fillm with actors who actually have Downs Syndrome. it is filled with visually disturbing images and scenarios. As a friend told me "One you see it, you can't ever not see it again".
Another friend told me almost the exact same thing about the third movie. The hands down most controversial, hotley debated movie today and possibly ever. I think it's fair to say, the most contentious film since Cannibal Holocaust. Like Ruggero Deodatos infamous film, criminal charges are being brought because of the film.
The film is A Serbian Film. If you haven't heard of it, you haven't been listening very well. The film has been investigated for charges of child pornography. In fact it may be illegal to own, watch or show it to others. Not that there is any actual child porn, but due to the wording of the law, over-zealous prosecuters who want to make a name for themselves, could bring charges. In Spain they already have brought charges against a promoter for showing it at a film festival.
Legal or not the film is disturbing. It is haunting. Once seen it can never be unseen. Even the idea of committing to watching this film disturbs me. That's why it has taken me this many words to say, what could be said in one line. I am going to watch A Serbian Film.
Three films all disturbing in different ways, for different reasons. Any of the could scar someone for life. I think my psyche is stable enough. If possible I will watch all three this weekend, but I don't know if I can find What Is It and A Serbian Film by the weekend. I think The Room should be easy to find, I do want to see it uncensored though.
Any way, I will watch these, and more. I will try to review or at least give my opinion of them. If nothing else I will post when I have watched them. If the Ancient Ones take my sanity during the attempt to watch them, then I will be waiting for you on the Plains of Leng disciple.
I admit I have to be in a certian frame of mind to watch really disturbing films. Still I have been shirking and that's kind of a disservice to those who actually might look to me for film advice. I won't claim to be a real movie reviewer, I just report what I like, and why I like it. Sometimes I lack the words to express why I like a film, sometimes I can't even conceptualize it in my head. Am I rambling yet? More likely dodging the issue.
So I have been avoiding watching a couple films. One the most notorious fim in recent times. the other just some disturbing (in different ways) films. Well I haven't felt like dipping into cinema insanity in a while. Now, like I said I feel pretty good. So I'm going to do it.
My first intent was to watch them this weekend, but it may take me a while to find some of them. But I am going to start looking for them. Then I will watch them. Three films on my list to start, although if others come into my possession I will watch them. I will add to the list as I find or remember ones. These are three films that promise nightmares. Not "boo" jump out nightmares of nightmares of insanity, perversion and real mental torture. The three films, not necessarily in the order I will watch or even seek them out are:
What is it? by Crispin Glover, The Room by Tommy Wiseau, and the third, the most controversial film in the world right now. I have seen bits of The Room, and some clips from What Is It? Both have received critical assassianation and possibly deservedly so. What little I have seen of The Room was absolutely horrible. It may be the hardest one to watch.
What is it? is the controversial film by actor/director/writer Crispin Glover. Glover cast his fillm with actors who actually have Downs Syndrome. it is filled with visually disturbing images and scenarios. As a friend told me "One you see it, you can't ever not see it again".
Another friend told me almost the exact same thing about the third movie. The hands down most controversial, hotley debated movie today and possibly ever. I think it's fair to say, the most contentious film since Cannibal Holocaust. Like Ruggero Deodatos infamous film, criminal charges are being brought because of the film.
The film is A Serbian Film. If you haven't heard of it, you haven't been listening very well. The film has been investigated for charges of child pornography. In fact it may be illegal to own, watch or show it to others. Not that there is any actual child porn, but due to the wording of the law, over-zealous prosecuters who want to make a name for themselves, could bring charges. In Spain they already have brought charges against a promoter for showing it at a film festival.
Legal or not the film is disturbing. It is haunting. Once seen it can never be unseen. Even the idea of committing to watching this film disturbs me. That's why it has taken me this many words to say, what could be said in one line. I am going to watch A Serbian Film.
Three films all disturbing in different ways, for different reasons. Any of the could scar someone for life. I think my psyche is stable enough. If possible I will watch all three this weekend, but I don't know if I can find What Is It and A Serbian Film by the weekend. I think The Room should be easy to find, I do want to see it uncensored though.
Any way, I will watch these, and more. I will try to review or at least give my opinion of them. If nothing else I will post when I have watched them. If the Ancient Ones take my sanity during the attempt to watch them, then I will be waiting for you on the Plains of Leng disciple.
Maternity Chic... So Far...

When Victoria announced she was pregnant, the majority of us were extremely excited and not just because there will be yet another gorgeous Beckham baby in the world (the most obvious reason), but also because we were excited to see what Victoria's fourth time maternity style would be like.

So far, I have not been disappointed! In my opinion, she is the most stylish woman on the planet and even in pregnancy, she still reigns supreme. Yes, she's very into blazers and billowy tops right now, but who else is rocking thigh high boots with chains in the back, towering Louboutin platforms, or waxy denim with spikes along with their baby bump?
Maternity Chic... So Far...

When Victoria announced she was pregnant, the majority of us were extremely excited and not just because there will be yet another gorgeous Beckham baby in the world (the most obvious reason), but also because we were excited to see what Victoria's fourth time maternity style would be like.

So far, I have not been disappointed! In my opinion, she is the most stylish woman on the planet and even in pregnancy, she still reigns supreme. Yes, she's very into blazers and billowy tops right now, but who else is rocking thigh high boots with chains in the back, towering Louboutin platforms, or waxy denim with spikes along with their baby bump?
The Look for Less: Brian Atwood Drama Pumps

When the Brian Atwood Drama pumps were first released, they sold out like hotcakes! Now that sale season is over for fall, the hunt for the now impossible to find straggler pairs is even more difficult. But good news for those of you who either missed the Dramas the first time around (like me... and I could kick myself for doing so) or could not get passed the $660 retail price tag, you're in luck. The often designer inspired Steve Madden is now offering an extremely similar version called the Bevv-B. These are much more budget friendly... they retail for $99.95!

*Thanks to kGraham for the info!
The Look for Less: Brian Atwood Drama Pumps

When the Brian Atwood Drama pumps were first released, they sold out like hotcakes! Now that sale season is over for fall, the hunt for the now impossible to find straggler pairs is even more difficult. But good news for those of you who either missed the Dramas the first time around (like me... and I could kick myself for doing so) or could not get passed the $660 retail price tag, you're in luck. The often designer inspired Steve Madden is now offering an extremely similar version called the Bevv-B. These are much more budget friendly... they retail for $99.95!

*Thanks to kGraham for the info!
Celebrities in VB: Rachel Zoe in Victoria Beckham Eyewear
Celebrities in VB: Rachel Zoe in Victoria Beckham Eyewear
Another Spicy Pregnancy
Another Spicy Pregnancy
Victoria Beckham & her Boys Watch David Play
Victoria and the boys were on hand at The Home Depot Center yesterday to watch David and the Galaxy play against the Revolution which ended in a 1-1 draw.
Pregnant Posh looked like she was basking in that lovely pregnancy glow and looked radiant! The boys also looked adorable as they muched on LA Galaxy logo embossed snacks.
Victoria Beckham & her Boys Watch David Play
Victoria and the boys were on hand at The Home Depot Center yesterday to watch David and the Galaxy play against the Revolution which ended in a 1-1 draw.
Pregnant Posh looked like she was basking in that lovely pregnancy glow and looked radiant! The boys also looked adorable as they muched on LA Galaxy logo embossed snacks.
The Beckhams Dine at Bouchon Bistro
The Beckhams Dine at Bouchon Bistro
David Chats with ESPN and Page 2
With the league's best player (Landon Donovan) and a powerful striker (Juan Pablo Angel), this probably is Beckham's best chance to win his first MLS crown.
Page 2 had a chance to talk with the soccer legend about the sport, his family and his new tattoo:
1. In Europe, you had a lot of success. You've been close here but haven't won it all. How tough is that for you?
"It's not difficult at all. I had the weight of the league on my shoulders when I arrived here. I had to carry the flag for the sport in this part of the world. But this game is something I've always enjoyed. It's been a great challenge. This is something I'm totally passionate about. I've seen improvements in the American game. We have some new teams coming into the league. In certain areas, the attendance is up. When I see all this, it makes me proud. Since Day 1, I've been proud to be part of this league. I came to the United States to win a championship. I still want to do that."
2. You've had some injuries the past few years which has limited your play. Is soccer still fun for you?
"I know it's easy for me to say this because I have gotten paid so much money to play, but I've always enjoyed playing soccer. It's never a job to me. I know it might sound silly but I would be doing this if I wasn't getting paid. It's never been about the money. I've helped raise the profile of this league. I think we've been successful. It's going to take more years here to equal the level of the European leagues. I've had some injuries and I'm 35 years old. I've worked hard in the offseason to get my body right."
3. You have always been in the spotlight. Are you tired of the paparazzi?
"We've had it for quite a few years. You actually get used to it. You come to terms with it that it's just part of your life. I've never really complained about it except when it affects my children. That, to me, is when it crosses the line. I've been with Victoria for 14 years and married for 12. So I know the deal. But we're very protective of our children. Thankfully, our children are very grounded. They say 'please' and 'thank you'. They know how to handle the situations. We're trying to keep their lives as normal as possible."
4. Do you and Victoria read the tabloids?
"I literally don't. I don't even really notice when people take my picture. I don't worry about seeing the end product. We haven't had it that bad in the United States. But just last week when we were in London, these aggressive photographers were jumping on our cars. I'm watching this realizing that my wife is pregnant and I just wanted to get out of there."
5. A lot has been made about your recent tattoo. What was it like?
"I wasn't planning on getting another tattoo. I've had a lot done. But I heard all these great things about legendary artist Mark Mahoney, so he created this tattoo of Jesus being lifted by three cherubs [for Beckham's three children]. It took about 12 hours over two days."
5a. So with a little girl on the way, thinking of adding to that tattoo?
"Uh, I'm not so sure about that."
source: ESPN
David Chats with ESPN and Page 2
With the league's best player (Landon Donovan) and a powerful striker (Juan Pablo Angel), this probably is Beckham's best chance to win his first MLS crown.
Page 2 had a chance to talk with the soccer legend about the sport, his family and his new tattoo:
1. In Europe, you had a lot of success. You've been close here but haven't won it all. How tough is that for you?
"It's not difficult at all. I had the weight of the league on my shoulders when I arrived here. I had to carry the flag for the sport in this part of the world. But this game is something I've always enjoyed. It's been a great challenge. This is something I'm totally passionate about. I've seen improvements in the American game. We have some new teams coming into the league. In certain areas, the attendance is up. When I see all this, it makes me proud. Since Day 1, I've been proud to be part of this league. I came to the United States to win a championship. I still want to do that."
2. You've had some injuries the past few years which has limited your play. Is soccer still fun for you?
"I know it's easy for me to say this because I have gotten paid so much money to play, but I've always enjoyed playing soccer. It's never a job to me. I know it might sound silly but I would be doing this if I wasn't getting paid. It's never been about the money. I've helped raise the profile of this league. I think we've been successful. It's going to take more years here to equal the level of the European leagues. I've had some injuries and I'm 35 years old. I've worked hard in the offseason to get my body right."
3. You have always been in the spotlight. Are you tired of the paparazzi?
"We've had it for quite a few years. You actually get used to it. You come to terms with it that it's just part of your life. I've never really complained about it except when it affects my children. That, to me, is when it crosses the line. I've been with Victoria for 14 years and married for 12. So I know the deal. But we're very protective of our children. Thankfully, our children are very grounded. They say 'please' and 'thank you'. They know how to handle the situations. We're trying to keep their lives as normal as possible."
4. Do you and Victoria read the tabloids?
"I literally don't. I don't even really notice when people take my picture. I don't worry about seeing the end product. We haven't had it that bad in the United States. But just last week when we were in London, these aggressive photographers were jumping on our cars. I'm watching this realizing that my wife is pregnant and I just wanted to get out of there."
5. A lot has been made about your recent tattoo. What was it like?
"I wasn't planning on getting another tattoo. I've had a lot done. But I heard all these great things about legendary artist Mark Mahoney, so he created this tattoo of Jesus being lifted by three cherubs [for Beckham's three children]. It took about 12 hours over two days."
5a. So with a little girl on the way, thinking of adding to that tattoo?
"Uh, I'm not so sure about that."
source: ESPN
Video: David in the Latest Adidas Commercial
This is the latest Adidas commercial featuring countless celebrities. David Beckham is in this one too, of course, and he comes in at around 0:19... it's quick so keep your eyes pealed!
Video: David in the Latest Adidas Commercial
This is the latest Adidas commercial featuring countless celebrities. David Beckham is in this one too, of course, and he comes in at around 0:19... it's quick so keep your eyes pealed!
Out and About
Since annoucing she's pregnant, Victoria Beckham has grown a little shyer than usual. We rarely see her outside of her car unless she's going through an airport. But hey, any sighting is better than none right?
Here she is driving her black Range Rover Sport in LA on the 15th. She's most likely doing the school run.
Out and About
Since annoucing she's pregnant, Victoria Beckham has grown a little shyer than usual. We rarely see her outside of her car unless she's going through an airport. But hey, any sighting is better than none right?
Here she is driving her black Range Rover Sport in LA on the 15th. She's most likely doing the school run.
Thank You All!
The update on his situation is that he went in for brain surgery this week and the doctors removed a small piece of his brain to send for testing. His health has been strongly deteriorating over recent months and he's been to countless hospitals and specialists and has even gone through dozens of tests but no one can seem to find out what is wrong. This has been the most devastating on my family because everyone feels like we're watching him waste away and we can't help. But on the bright side, this brain biopsy surgery is supposed to give us what we all have been aching for... an answer. This test, yes it's the most severe, is supposed to rule out certain diagnoses which will help anchor just one (or maybe more if that's the case). He's out of recovery now and doing very well... almost like he had nothing done. I will definitely keep you all updated on how he is doing.
Thank you again for everything! I do apologize for leaving the blog behind a bit (luckily it's been really slow in Beckhamland lately) but I definitely appreciate all of the support and kindness you have shown me in recent weeks!
Thanks again!
Thank You All!
The update on his situation is that he went in for brain surgery this week and the doctors removed a small piece of his brain to send for testing. His health has been strongly deteriorating over recent months and he's been to countless hospitals and specialists and has even gone through dozens of tests but no one can seem to find out what is wrong. This has been the most devastating on my family because everyone feels like we're watching him waste away and we can't help. But on the bright side, this brain biopsy surgery is supposed to give us what we all have been aching for... an answer. This test, yes it's the most severe, is supposed to rule out certain diagnoses which will help anchor just one (or maybe more if that's the case). He's out of recovery now and doing very well... almost like he had nothing done. I will definitely keep you all updated on how he is doing.
Thank you again for everything! I do apologize for leaving the blog behind a bit (luckily it's been really slow in Beckhamland lately) but I definitely appreciate all of the support and kindness you have shown me in recent weeks!
Thanks again!
Celebrity Apprentice' 2011 cast
NBC has announced the cast of "celebrities" set to compete on the new season of "The Celebrity Apprentice," premiering on Sunday, March 6, 2011. The females include "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star NeNe Leakes, actresses Lisa Rinna & Marlee Matlin, model Niki Taylor, singer Dionne Warwick, former "The View" co-host Star Jones, Playmate Hope Dworaczyk, & LaToya Jackson.
Photographs: "Celebrity Apprentice" 2011 Cast Bios
Donald Trump's youngest son Eric will join siblings Ivanka & Donald Jr. as his advisors, along with long-time Trump worker George Ross.
�The next season of �The Celebrity Apprentice� will be the most thrilling yet. They are thrilled to bring back the celebrity format with 16 new & unbelievably gifted celebrities who will help me make �The Celebrity Apprentice� one of the hottest shows on tv this spring. This will be season 11 � Amazing!�
The Donald did his best to hype up the new season in a press release:
The Donald also revealed that viewers can expect fireworks between Leakes & Star Jones. "It was like fistfights on a regular basis," Trump told Fallon."I've never seen confrontations like that. In fact, they make Omarosa look lovely!"
While the list of celebrities participating was leaked back in October, Trump officially unveiled the cast on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," joined by Lil Jon & NeNe Leakes. The trio, along with Fallon, proceeded to play a game of Charades with predictably hilarious results. The clip can be viewed here.
"Star, to me, is phony," Leakes recently told "She may have gone to Harvard. They may have ten degrees, but it is comic she is in the same place I am in. & that is what bothers Star - that they went to school for four or ten years & they has to stand beside me."
The controversial "Real Housewives" star claims that her hate for Jones started when they tried to pit cast member LaToya Jackson against her.
"(The Lohans) approached me, & they did discuss it. It is not the right time," Trump told Life & Style journal. "Lindsay has to straighten herself out first.... It could happen in the future, but right now they must see Lindsay get straightened out."
While the celebs participating stay mostly D-List, Trump claims they had to turn down upwards of 35 people, including troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan.
The last season of the show raised over $1.25 million for charity & was won by Bret Michaels, while the low-rated regular people version of "The Apprentice" concluded in December.
Celebrity Apprentice' 2011 cast
NBC has announced the cast of "celebrities" set to compete on the new season of "The Celebrity Apprentice," premiering on Sunday, March 6, 2011. The females include "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star NeNe Leakes, actresses Lisa Rinna & Marlee Matlin, model Niki Taylor, singer Dionne Warwick, former "The View" co-host Star Jones, Playmate Hope Dworaczyk, & LaToya Jackson.
Photographs: "Celebrity Apprentice" 2011 Cast Bios
Donald Trump's youngest son Eric will join siblings Ivanka & Donald Jr. as his advisors, along with long-time Trump worker George Ross.
�The next season of �The Celebrity Apprentice� will be the most thrilling yet. They are thrilled to bring back the celebrity format with 16 new & unbelievably gifted celebrities who will help me make �The Celebrity Apprentice� one of the hottest shows on tv this spring. This will be season 11 � Amazing!�
The Donald did his best to hype up the new season in a press release:
The Donald also revealed that viewers can expect fireworks between Leakes & Star Jones. "It was like fistfights on a regular basis," Trump told Fallon."I've never seen confrontations like that. In fact, they make Omarosa look lovely!"
While the list of celebrities participating was leaked back in October, Trump officially unveiled the cast on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," joined by Lil Jon & NeNe Leakes. The trio, along with Fallon, proceeded to play a game of Charades with predictably hilarious results. The clip can be viewed here.
"Star, to me, is phony," Leakes recently told "She may have gone to Harvard. They may have ten degrees, but it is comic she is in the same place I am in. & that is what bothers Star - that they went to school for four or ten years & they has to stand beside me."
The controversial "Real Housewives" star claims that her hate for Jones started when they tried to pit cast member LaToya Jackson against her.
"(The Lohans) approached me, & they did discuss it. It is not the right time," Trump told Life & Style journal. "Lindsay has to straighten herself out first.... It could happen in the future, but right now they must see Lindsay get straightened out."
While the celebs participating stay mostly D-List, Trump claims they had to turn down upwards of 35 people, including troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan.
The last season of the show raised over $1.25 million for charity & was won by Bret Michaels, while the low-rated regular people version of "The Apprentice" concluded in December.
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