Machete is the newest project from Robert Rodriguez
The plot of Machete revolves around a Mexican day laborer turned assassin. It just so happens that this is not just any day laborer, but a former Mexican federale. Machete is hired to assassinate a crooked senator but find him self set up and double crossed. Surviving the ambush he sets out for revenge. The bad guys soon find out. To quote the tag line, "They f**ked with the wrong Mexican!"
Even though the first appearance of Machete was in Spy Kids, Rodriguez admits that the idea of a Mexican day laborer, moon lighting as a hit man has been around longer than that. He wrote the original screenplay for machete in 1993. Bits and pieces of the Machete screenplay have worked into several of his films, including Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Danny Trejo is a Rodriguez regular. He has appeared not only in Spy Kids
This will be the first leading role for the recognizable character actor and honestly its about time. Trejo has paid his dues appearing in literally scores of lower budget films and making frequent appearances in more well known projects. Know mostly for work in action and horror films he recently stepped away from the genre for a role in the drama Sherry Baby
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